As presented in the exhibition, this Wheel Diagram, and the others in the series, were displayed on 36"x36" sheets of acrylic, mounted and hung from the wall. To effectively emphasize the three elements of the diagram, each were vinyl printed, displayed on a separate acrylic sheet and stacked to visualize the layered structure of each Wheel Diagram.
Exhibition images of the Wheel Diagram - Original.
Wheel Diagram recipe instructions and start position.
Diagram elements on three acrylic layers. Instructions, ingredients and the cookie image.
Detail of the diagram and text.
Detail of the instructions and ingredients.
Detail of the ingredients - donut chart.
Diagram details and shadows.
Shadows created by the lighting and transparent acrylic layers.
MFA Thesis Project
Wheel Diagram - (Series 1 of 4)
Information Graphics, Exhibition Design, Illustration, Typography
This Wheel Diagram, in addition to the remaining three in the series, represents novel approaches to visualizing the text-based chocolate chip cookie recipe.
The Original Wheel Diagram, shown below, visualizes the three main elements of the chocolate chip cookie recipe, the ingredients and measurements, instructions and lastly, an image of the cookie. The ingredients and measurements are visualized proportionately through the use of a donut chart, the instructions are diagrammed to correlate directly with the ingredients and the image is placed at the center of the diagram. Comprised into a single, unified, circular graphic, this novel information graphic transforms the traditional text-based recipe.
26"x26" vinyl printed graphic
36"x36" acrylic sheets